Selling Crass Tees to Upper Class Kids
Collaboration with Michaela Cullen
Installed at Serf, Leeds
21st - 27th July 2017
L - R
'Why look at a computer when you could look at the real thing?' -Shattered car glass, liquid latex, petroleum jelly, PVA, wax, spray paint, ash, grit, lacquer
'New, Cheaper Laser Eye Surgery Causing Sensation In UK' -Digital print, appropriated click bait image
'i How long's this light been blinking?'
'ii I dunno, a couple of days?"
Materials as stated for 'Why look at a computer...'
'Nobody likes a sell out' - Vice Magazine stack, vinyl
'The myth of equality (at the altar)' - Bonded and carved Vice Magazine stack, illustration
L - R
'Say "Cheers" to human samples - Just do this every day' - Digital print, appropriated clickbait image
'A fucking waster in the way that i spend my time' i - Wall illustration
'Any man can last longer by using this daily' - Digital print, appropriated clickbait image
'I look by best when i'm totally free' - Carpet off-cut, household paint, washing powder, liquid latex, petroleum jelly, hand sanitiser, lacquer, PVA, spit, shattered car glass
'Materials from a real life car robbery (Ooo... so provocative)' - Perspex pane, shattered car glass, liquid latex, petroleum jelly, hand sanitiser, lacquer, PVA, ash, spit, grit
'I literally cried' (Overheard by artist, about other artist's work) - Basketball chain, 1l hand sanitiser, acrylic box
Stills from video: Every Outcome is such a Comedown
i 'Blinded by looking to the future' - Zero UV Futuristic wrap-around sunglasses (Clear blue smoke-mirror), wax, purchased from
ii 'I looked to the future' Zero UV Futuristic wrap-around sunglasses (Smoke Sun - Mirror), purchased from
'Don't tell anyone that I moisturise' - Poundland petroleum jelly lids
(Hidden above space)
'Shh, ok, I moisturise' Petroleum jelly tubs